photos of painters?

i cannot find a site with photographs of painters!or portraits.anything that actually shows sites?

MOM KNOWS EVERYTHING2007-04-19T12:24:27Z

Favorite Answer

Do a Google image search on the names of individual painters you're interested in . You won't find them all on one site, but you can find a lot of them individually.

Here's one of Jackson Pollack

Pablo Picasso

Henri Matisse


Try and look up paul guagan, raphael, pablo piccaso, vincent van gogh, micahel angelo, marie cassat, r.morris patterson. steve temple. all of whom did self portraits, fact, about 35% of most painters old world and contemporary did self portraits as paintings and there are many others like fredrick remington who had his photo taken with his easel as did charles russel. most flemish artists who were morstly circuit painters (STAYING AT PEOPLES HOMES IN LEU OF ARTWORK DURING THAT TIME PERIOD) did self portriats pertaining to their journeys and dealings with other people. Alot of early 20Th century painters from the kansas city school of art were expected to do self portriats as part of their training.......good luck