tell me information about clay?

these are the questions i want=
1.who found clay
2.which country found clay
3.who is the first person to use clay


Favorite Answer

all those are lost in mist of history.
using clay is so ancient that nobody knows who started it.
The oldest clay pot found, was basic earthenware, discovered in Catalhoyuk, Turkey. The pot, which is estimated to be up to 6,000 years old, is made from a clay body that was fired at a low temperature
The oldest clay figure found (at least according to link) is about 7000 years old and was found in germany. Doubtless clay has been used long before and probably has just not been preserved.
If you are a christian bible literalist then your answer however is clear. As god made adam from clay god first used clay and must have found it to use it. I don't know where the garden eden was, probably somewhere in the fertile crescent.