if you could kill just ONE person in the world without getting in trouble for it....?
who would it be and why?
i would take out fred phelps cuz he's a scumbag homophobe who needs to be taken out. you take out the head of the family, and the rest will disperse or they will all kill themselves, ridding the world of their filth.
those of you who have contributed, thanx lots. those who are complaining and acting like i pissed on the pope, you didn't have to answer. i didn't force you. if you only answered to get your 2 pts, you're rather childish.
Favorite Answer
the skank my dad had an affair with. She knew he had a family and she still went through with it that stupid *****. I hate my dad too but i hate her more. If i could kill her i definately would!
There's no point in killing one person. The ideas, the mindsets, that make a person worth killing are viral. Anyone really worth killing (because they have both the mind required to inflict needless suffering and the authority or ability to do so), has a dozen people ready to take their place when they die, each of them just as evil (or they wouldn't have gotten to that point). It would be of far greater value to the world to teach people how to really live.....then, not as many of them would want to make it a horrible place for the rest of us, and those that would might be stopped before they could really get a grip. Those who truly enjoy living are not trampled as easily as those who merely endure it.
I would kill someone famous not for personal reasons. Its just because If I'm able to do it with out getting caught why not. And I would pick someone rich with lots of security guards. bill gates maybe but that would be way to easy and Arnold Schwarzenegger would be a challenge