When's the best time for an accurate weight on a scale?

I'm going to buy a home scale to monitor myself but I'd like to ask exercisers and weight watchers, do you weigh yourself in the morning or in the evening to get the more accurate weight on a personal scale at home?


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I was told by my doctor to weight first thing in the morning; after peeing and before breakfast. He also recommended weighing in once a week (same day every week). Otherwise you can drive yourself crazy.




First thing in the morning (lightest). If you measure yourself at the same time each day, you'll be able to better compare your progress...as well as watch out for any drastic weight drops which could mean that you're dehydrated. Good luck!

- Mike


they say just weigh yourself once a week. i can't tell you how many times i step on the scale and within hours the difference is like 5 lbs. so once a week would be a more accurate thing to do.


This sounds a little weird, but the best time is in the morning with no clothes on after you've gone to the bathroom, sorry if that sounds grosse.

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