my gf of just under 4 years just broke up with me... what now?
any suggestions?
any suggestions?
Favorite Answer
Awww sweety pie! I'm sorry. I hope you are ok. It hurts like hell when a relationship breaks up. I think you need some 'you time'. Focus on yourself and do things that may have been left on the back burner when you were in the relationship like an unfinished project or take up that hobby that you always wanted to do but never got around to it. Have lots of bubble baths, massages, pamper yourself. You are worth it. Be kind to yourself. Surround yourself with loved ones. Go out with your buddies and have fun! Good luck! Before you know it you will be meeting other girls and who knows, a budding new romance perhaps? Take care.
Also to Sonfai81, what you have said is one of the biggest load of B.S. I've heard! I've heard straights say that before another pathetic misconception! Some straights never learn. We in the GLBT community know how naive some heteros are though. It's a shame.
Actually I'm in kinda similar situation, and what ppl have offered are quite logical, esp what pale rider has said made me feel better too..Everything is a lesson to be learned..not a loss..thanks for the Q anyways
keep thinking it's her lose and your gain, things will pick up and you'll realise how fun single life can be, especially after a long relationship. Once you can sleep in your bed again without wishing she were their, you're ready for someone more deserving :)
hope things go well, everything is a lesson to be learned
I'm sorry for your break-up its hard to put so much time into someone then have them walk away so take awhile to put some time into yourself stay busy doing things you wanted to do but she never did,talk to friends and reconnect with family its going to be hard at first but trust me it does get better with time.just avoid the rebound thing its cheesy and its not worth the effort most of the time. good luck hon and keep your chin up
Gaymes Last Orchestra
It is painful, but the sooner you get over it the better. Nothing better than hanging out with friends as zz_zule said above. Get busy with things that make you happy, bar hopping included :-)