How do I get my cockatiel to stop screaming?

Every time I leave the room or am out of her sight for even a second, she screams. She's fine at night and in the mornings until she hears me. I really don't want to get another bird because I want her bonded to me, but this is getting ridiculous. Is there ANY way I can teach her not to scream when she can't see me?


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I think Spring must be here. All the birds (pet and wild) seem to be "acting up" recently. Here is a copy of some advise I just gave someone have a simular problem with a Quaker

Sounds like he loves you and is trying to get/keep your attention. A few questions and ideas come to mind...

Is this a new behavior in an established bird? If so, could be he/she is sexually maturing and..... well it is Spring.

Does he have lots of toys to play with (destroy)? Distraction is a great way to get intelligent critters (and toddlers) to "Shush".

Do you yell back at him? If so, this will just encourage this behavior. To him, he is calling to you and you are just answering back. He may or may not know what "shut up, you @#$# bird means, but he is getting what he wants from you. Your attention.


Cockatiel Screaming


Distract her with lots of toys, if that doesn't work you need strict training. Whenever she screams firmly say "no" (that's just my method) and if she continues to scream do not go back and reassure her. This is just telling you "Stay here!!! I'm the boss!" well no she isn't. A good way is whenever you leave the room and the cockatiel is quiet, praise her with toys or treats. She will quickly learn that whenever she screams, she gets no award. Hope this helps.


when mine starts screaming, he wants to come out of his cage. i take him out for awhile and do chores or whatever with him on my shoulder. when i put him back in his cage, if he starts screaming again, i cover his cage with a heavy blanket that blocks out the light--for about an hour. he stops screaming every time. he's 16 yrs old.


Consider getting the bird a friend. Put mirrors in the cage, and shoudl have lots of toys. Also cover the cage at night and keep it covered for at least 10 hours so they can rest.

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