what percent is democrat right now in congress?

I want to know what percent or at leats a conclusive number...


Favorite Answer

There are 435 representatives in the US House of Representatives. 232 are Democrats and 201 are Republicans. There are 2 vacancies.

The US Senate is divided as follows: 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans and 2 Independents. The two Independents caucus with the Democrats.


In the Senate there are 49 republicans and 51 democrats. In the house it's around the same number in percentages. I think that there are a total of 235, and there are a couple of independents, but something along the line of 120 Democrats and 110 republicans with the rest being green party, independents, etc.


the senate is pretty much a 50-50 split thats why nothing can get done. the house is alittle closer to probably 53-47