How i will get notice?

I like this guy in the office. How will he notice me?
The problem is i'm also a guy.


yeah,arch angel... he's not gay,neither does he know that i am.


Favorite Answer

Im straight so ill do my best... I suggest is find out if hes gay as well, if he is then talk to him and suggest a get together or something, if he isnt stay away from him in that sense i hate to see another gay bashing man, good luck


I know it can be hard sometimes what I'm about to say; but it is not a good idea to date a person from work. It can become a nightmare 4 you. My boyfriend and I used to work in the same place, it became sooo boring, not only that other people trying to ask you out. You heard the phrase that goes something like: Keep your eggs in different places. Keep looking you will find the person that is right 4 you.


Leave him alone. It's hard enough working the office politics without having gay guys hitting on you. And yes, the 'problem' is that you are a guy.


if you have a gaydar, then you'll know if he's gay or not. if he is, make your move. If he's not, then do NOT make any hinting towards him AT ALL. like someone else said, you will get a gaybashing. If you have no gaydar, then pay close attention to who he checks out in the office.


If he is not gay, I would not push the issue. There are plenty of gay men out there. Do you have a pattern of setting yourself up for heartache?

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