Women, how many of you don't feel complete if you aren't 'with' someone?......honestly.....?

I am a 33 year old single mother of 4 and I am constantly trying to be strong and get my life together. My ex husband left about a year ago..........I find that no matter how hard I try, I feel empty inside unless I am seeing someone. I try to see how blessed I am but get depressed and irritable and basically unhappy, but then if I am seeing someone, I am happy and eager to do things I normally am not.

Why is that? I know I need to feel really good about myself regardless of whether a man is interested in me but I still have these feelings and wonder how many other women do......this is not something I would normally admit :-) but isn't that the whole point of Yahoo answers?


Well, he's been gone a year......I didn't see anyone at all for the first 10 months and the kids hafe no idea ( I'm not one of those Mom's who have men stay over, etc.) I am sort of seeing someone right now whom I have known for 5 years and the kids have an idea we are seeing each other. They love him....he has no kids and lives 90 min. away so it's not as if I get to see him often. and our relationship is very much undefined...and I am obsessing, whih I friggin' hate - lol.


Favorite Answer

No - a man does not make me feel complete or whole. Not at all. I completely enjoy my alone time and I am smart about filling up my days with me stuff. I do enjoy having a partner, but it does not make me feel sad when I don't have one in my life. I feel that a great partner enhances and brings out the best of what is already present in my life. But, until that happens I simply continue to live my life and do those things that I enjoy...eventually a man will come around. They always do.

Diane (PFLAG)2007-04-29T21:53:23Z

Sorry I can't relate... I have always been pretty content and happy with me whether I have a man in my life or not...

While I love my husband and wouldn't want the marriage to end.. I know from experience (2 prior divorces) if it did I would be ok just being me..

It's nice to have a man around to do the heavy lifting and kill the creepy crawly scurrying thing, but my happiness is not all wrapped up in having a man in my life...

Maybe you ought to take some personal development classes maybe you can learn to be more happy within your own skin... Remember your half of a relationship is only as strong as you are alone, so learning to be strong and happy within yourself will bring that much more to a future relationship...


ive always had bfs, people would always tell me "ohh theres never a time when you're not dating someone" and i admit that it does feel weird when i wasnt with someone, until now. After all the relationships, they all just end bad and ends up ruining friendships. Im happy to be around, i have more time for family and friends and myself. Maybe its the thrill of the unexpected that excites you, and theres nothing wrong with that at all. life becomes so routine so often that doing things out of the norm is always great. why not try new activities with your kid, travel etc?


Of course I don't, and wouldn't feel that way. That's what being a strong independent woman is all about. You are in a tough situation, with lots of responsibilities. You should not even THINK of dating til your youngest kid turns 18. You have their lives to put back on track, and you need to get your head together so you can be a great mom for them. Good luck!

Shannon H2007-04-29T21:45:23Z

Maybe it would do you some good to not see anybody for awhile and concentrate on your kids. This must be very confusing to them. It's not easy on them to have separated parents, let alone new people coming in and out of their lives. If you concentrate on your kids, you might find that they will fill the void in your life and you won't feel so alone. You're hurting too and it doesn't hurt to think about seeing people, but maybe you're not ready yet? Try concentrating on your kids for awhile and give yourself time to heal.

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