What happened to Richard Dawson???
Does anyone know where and what Richard Dawson who hosted the Family Feud back in the 70's and 80's is doing? Is he still living? Any info? I've been wondering about him...
Does anyone know where and what Richard Dawson who hosted the Family Feud back in the 70's and 80's is doing? Is he still living? Any info? I've been wondering about him...
Favorite Answer
he's still alive he's retired from show business
His head got too big for his shoulders near the end of Family Feud and no one could stand him. His show business career dried up, just like he did. He is still alive but not in the business any longer. He was just too difficult to deal with and no one would work with him anymore
Wow. Dickie Dawson is dead? He was a great roll on "Hogan's Hero's". I also liked his villain roll in the Arnold movie "Running Man".
I think he is still alive, but I haven't heard anything about him either.