I went to my blog page and my friends have disappeared. I still have the page comments but the 17 pictures.?
There are 17 others but there pictures don't show. I sent a email to feedback I noticed this this morning.
My alerts are all on, I checked out the obvious things. I change the avatar and the password. Yahoo 360 should have informed me. I tried to reinvite them it didn't let me. I have been communicating through the mailbox.
Favorite Answer
Maybe folks accounts are getting deleted or taken temporarily offline for violations. Who knows? This is all conjecture unless the 360 team says otherwise; please don't jump to extreme conclusions. It could be a 360-wide glitch. ;) Already people are getting their 360 page back to normal.
I suggest contacting the 360 team via their "YAHOO 360 HELP FORM" at http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/360/forms_index.html . They can't respond to every message, but they do read them and actively track issues.
Keep in mind that 360 is still in beta. They are trying out new things. No feature is set in stone; it is in "test" mode. I understand that all the glitches are frustrating, but please backup your 360 content if you can and submit constructive, clear feedback.
They also have a blog which tracks fixes as they are made, see http://blog.360.yahoo.com/product_360 .
The photo may be a yahoo problem and send in Feedback from your home page. And go to tools, delete history and cookies. Go back to your page and see if that helped you. Or you can try a restart on your computer,then check it. Do all these things before you send in your Feedback
hi, It happenned to me this morning. I study all the comments on Charlie's web site, further one myself, published it, and with out warning all of them disappeared. Now the comments on her web site are old ones from days and days in the past. Charlie puzzled what became happening yet Moon instructed us this happens many times. a minimum of all of us be attentive to we at the instant are not doing something incorrect. Have a reliable weekend everybody, Polly