Why is the grass red in world of warcraft?

For some reason when I start WOW (I'm human) the textures constantly change. When I turn just right I can see nice green grass but most of the time its like this weird red texture. I have a 128meg 6200 nvidia card. I have the latest drivers and patches. So what the heck?


I do log into stormwind. I logged in as a gnome in a different realm as well and the snow was red/pink...all of it!


Favorite Answer

Dirt maybe....? lol jk
Sometimes wow can be a little glitchy but it might just be the zone you're in. Try logging in in stormwind or someplace like that.


Graphics problem. My Gnome and Blood Elf dont see any red snow or grass.Sry


Your graphics card may be overheating. Try opening your PC and using canned air on it. If that doesn't help, you may have to get another fan for your pc.

Here would be a good one. It would cool the graphics card directly:



It could be an issue with your graphics card or it might be that your monitor's settings are acting up.


this is a guess probably war id say it was burned or blood

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