Looking for a Bad/beautifal fictional last name?

I know there are lots of sites to find names for fictional characters. People who give advise on writing often say choosing a name is very important to the character. Me, I like to make up my own names. Usually when I develop a character, I have a name for them. Even a last name. Most likely, you won't find the names I come up with in a Baby name guide book.
Rarely do I use names with meanings. How ofter does a person choose a name, in real life, to match the character he'll be. Anyways, I got stuck on finding a last name for a villianous character. I was hoping to find a surname that may either have evil or destruction in the meaning or beauty, which is usually unlikely and unexpected of a villian. It would be nice if it was a foreign last name too, or maybe a foreign word I can form into a last name with those meanings.
I appreciate your help.


Favorite Answer

Wow, is your writing anything like this question? (Overly long.)

Have you ever tried a phone book? Also, check out movie credits on movies you rent. Or just go to the Internet Movie Database (link below.)


How about "Belleza Diabólica"? It means "Devilish Beauty" in Spanish.


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