What is your opinion on adoption search and reunion?

What is your opinion on this? All opinions welcome!

A formal public opinion survey was done in 1997 and 2002 on public perceptions towards adoption issues. One of the questions was regarding public attitudes towards adoption search and reunion.

The link below will allow you to vote on your opinion. Would you please consider taking the time to vote in this very informal survey and/or answer this question with your thoughts?

There are only three options, so please give your opinions in answers as well! Thanks so much!


Heather Mac2007-05-04T07:32:35Z

Favorite Answer

As someone who was adopted, I believe adopted children, like myself, should have the right to search for and find our birth parents when we reach adulthood. I think it gets a little more iffy when it is the birth parents doing the searching. I have not yet taken the steps to find my birth parents but will do so some day, especially since I know (from unidentifying information) that I had brothers and sisters. Honestly, I think it is good for both the adopted children and birth parents and is sometimes even necessary when there may be issues about health and hereditary problems.

Mom to Foster Children2007-05-04T14:35:17Z

Being a foster parent and not seeing much of the parents "relinquishing" their rights...it's more like their rights are terminated and they have no choice but give up their kids...I was undecided about this one as it depends on the circumstance. I mean, if I was in this type of situation I would truly hope that I would want "what is in the best interest of the child" rather than what I want!


My sister and I were separated at her birth 60 years ago and just reunited last October. Thanks to her 'brother' being able to access her adoption records. Oh what a blessed reunion it was. I cannot yet believe how much alike we are after not having ever known one another.


I think it is every childs right to know their biological parents and the choice should be left up to them. Pespecvtive adoptive parents should be prepared for that as well when thinking about adopting.


I believe that should be decided upon on an individual circumstances. Each adoption situation is different. Dont use a general "umbrella" answer to cover all adoptee's/

Take Care

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