started my first Glycolic Acid facial, now skin is so dry!?

been recommended to get 5 facials, once a week, for my cystic acne/oily skin.

i still need to go to work and hang out w/ friends.. how can i moisturize correctly and put makeup on when halfway thru the day it's peeling like Crazy!!!! i am even putting on lotion every 5 minutes, and it gets more peely!!

should i exfoliate and moisturize, and then put on makeup? help!


Favorite Answer

Calm down!! What glycolic acid does is make the skin cells turn over faster -- so apparently you had quite a few dead cells going on! The same thing happened to me the first time I used one! Take a buff puff or if you don't have one a loofah will do. Using a gentle soap and very warm water, softly use the loofah to brush off any dead skin -- rinse with cool or cold water and then moisturize! It will help do away with the peeling trip!! Good Luck!!


Glycolic acid facial should not be apllied if you have active acne and if aplying acne medication.

Stop the G.A. facials. Your skin has become irritated and will ger red and swollen, therefore, getting the acne worse.

Do not mostirize with anything that contains perfume or active ingredients for anti-aging.

Hazel pads or skin toner applied with a cotton ball would calm your skin.

Good luck


Lotion won't get rid of peeling, you need a nice alcohol free toner to take off the extra skin. Just soak a cotton ball and wipe your face with it.


don't exfoliate. just moisturize. i would avoid make up, but since ur going out in public, try just wearing cover up concealer or a light powder. nothing heavy


never exfoliate, my daughter uses something called Ancient Earth,, mud mask for her face, they have their own website,, dont worry i do not own it!!but her skin now is almost perfect, she uses it at first 4 times a week , now maybe twice,,, check it out