How much do you pay monthly for your cell service?
I don't care what your plan's advertised cost is -- I really want to know how much it costs YOU. (A $29.95 plan, plus all the extra minutes you use, plus taxes, plus 411 calls, all that -- this might easily average $60/month.) I'm looking for real-world, not advertising, in other words.
If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to know know the service provider and phone you use, too; and what did you find out about your plan or phone that you do / do not like?
I'm looking at Sprint Q and T-mobile Dash, as I have a need for lots of memory for my phone book, and I like to be able to fetch emails on the road. A wireless headset and ActiveSync, plus a car charger would also be nice. With rollover minutes, I'd need only 300 a month; without, I could easily go past 1200, and I understand some plans have free incoming minutes -- that would help a LOT.
One more question: do I need phone advice, or a therapist? Thanks!