Someone wants to connect to my Answers 360 page???

Okay someone and please i am new at computers wants to "connect" to your Yahoo answers page, your 360 page i believe they call it a blog or something close, what exactly does that mean when they "connect" there a fan or what? Does that give them control or something? If i wanted to ask Yahoo itself who would i email? Again i am new at computers so please explain in simple and polite terms, Thanks.


Favorite Answer

You can read more about the Y! Answers network here:

When someone is connected to you, he/she is added to the 'My Fans' section of your Y! Answers profile. This makes it easier for the person to view your questions & answers (and vice versa). This is useful if someone specializes in a category (i.e. travel, cooking, etc) that you'd like to learn more about or if you want to connect with your friends on here .
It doesn't give them control over anything in your Yahoo account. It just means makes it easier to find someone on here.

*Yahoo 360 and Yahoo Answers aren't the same thing.
Someone can be on your friends' list on Y! 360, but don't have to be in your Y! Answers' network (i.e. they may not use Y! Answers, but they use Y! 360). There's no 'Answers 360 page.'