Can men really stop rape - does this program work?
This program has been working in the US for 10 years now - how effective is it ? Is more effective than the ring thing?
both these program do not seem to be making much of a dent -according to reported rapes (date rape and other reported sexual assults -CDC and the national crime database) Can we really make them work ?
Favorite Answer
Many but not all rapes are caused by men. As the common perpetrators of this crime, they obviously need to be part of the solution somehow. It's stupid and sexist to say that men are helpless and can't control themselves from abusing women. There is another way and it's never right to blame the victim.
The most effective and cheapest method is much simpler--all you need is a sharp knife. Its 100% effective, and permanent; you only need to administer a single treatment. That's whaat should be done to rapists.
Of course, there's no need to waste taxpayers' money on anathesia.