Drunk Driving Celebrities: Ty Pennington vs. Paris Hilton?

So Ty Pennington got pulled over for DUI..... read the attached statement he made: http://apnews.excite.com/article/20070507/D8OVQ7G00.html. He fu*ked up and he's sorry....he made a huge mistake.

Now compare this with Paris Hilton who has gotten nailed twice and still claimes it was her publicists fault (wtf??????) because even though the judge SUSPENDED HER LICENSE, but he (her publicist) told her it was okay to drive.........

I am merely pointing out the fact that here you can take two people who are celebrities and in the lime light.....and screw up. One sucks it up and says " I made a mistake - I am sorry" and the other says " I am Paris Hilton - my Daddy is a millionare so if you are going to send me to jail then it MUST BE discrimination" and I am looking everywhere for the barf bucket!!!!!

No question...just wondering if anyone else feels the same way......

Susie D2007-05-08T07:30:15Z

Favorite Answer

While I think drunk driving is deplorable on all levels - I do give Ty Pennington credit for making a statement that expresses his remorse (and I hope it was not just a publicity stunt!). Paris on the other hand makes me ill - she hit someone for pete sake, was caught driving on a suspended twice, and failed to register for her alcohol education program. Skinny, pretty, and blonde ought to help her make some nice friends in county lock up where she belongs.

Brian B2007-05-08T08:21:53Z

Ty is such a tool, i hope he gets serious jail time in a federal jail so he can get railed by bubba! Paris is dumb too, but yes, they should be put in the same boat. Ty should know the rules, and just b/c hes sorry, doesnt get him off the hook. You dont drink and drive! plain and simple...even 12 year old kids know this and they cant drive!!

Michelle R2007-05-07T18:05:01Z

I did not know about Ty and am sad to hear about this. I am glad that he chose to step it up and take responsibility for what traspired. I don't think that Paris will learn anything for going to jail. I think that she is basically in her own world, rightfully so, she doesn't have to take responsibility for much!
I agree with you100%-her dad has the bucks so she can pass the buck!


I agree 100 %. If you heard about Paris Hilton's Mother's conduct in court, you can see where Paris got her bad attitude from. Just blame someone else. You are so right.


I agree. According to the scoop, Paris was once riding DUI with no license. A chance to blameless pedestrians and motorists alike. She is popular seeing that her father and mother are very rich, nonetheless, she isn't popular for being an eminent and illustrious ambassador paving the way in which , establishing new roads, achieving new pursuits, for younger folks to emulate. Her popularity is disgraceful. Remember, your identify is your popularity.

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