Do you think we needs this kinda of commerical in the State? or everywhere around the globe?

Its either irish or New Zealand, but they dont Effing around on making commerical.
Do you think this is just too disturbing and inappropriate on the US television, or we needs something like this?
I think we need something like this here, too many reckless drivers that believes driving faster = driving skills.


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I completely agree, this is needed not only in the States but in any country. It shows that the effects of a serious road crash aren't just limited to you and the car you hit, but to the loved ones as well, and that not all injuries can be recovered from. The more gory and realistic the footage the harder the impact will be. Keep these commercials coming.


Yes its a fairly harsh commerical, but it does show the reality of speeding, and the potential outcome of death and life long disability who are inadvertently involved.

I hope its not aired on Aussie T.V. as it is to harsh for general viewing.

I think the commercial is not a New Zealand one, its looks to be in the English country side, and the accent sounds English.


Yes, I think a harsh campaign like this would be a good idea. But instead what we get here is YouTube loaded with people filming themselves doing stupid things in cars at high speed.