Do you ever wish you could go back to grade school for a while?

I was thinking back to junior high when use to have simulations for history class. We would typically act out historical events in class for hands on learning. Our class got to do a model UN simulation where we actually ran our country and interacted with the other countries. We had to build our economies, militaries, and world influence. We also had to manage our resources, population and meet goals that were given out by the teacher.

I thought back and wondered how can I go back to Junior High and have that much fun again? It would sure beat running SQL SPUFIs all day to extract data.


Favorite Answer

Yup, it was so much easier! No stress at all.


You know, you think back, you remember the fun--but, at the time, I'd bet that you had frustrations and worries that seemed to be the most important things in the world. Junior high is when hormones start kicking in, and maybe when you stopped taking your parents/teachers word as absolute truth. So, maybe you weren't as carefree as you remember.
In fact, just for something for you to think about, there is a very good chance that you will look back to the time you are right now and say, I had it so good, I didn't have to worry about ______ . Why can't life be like that now.


Reading the Homework Help section of Answers makes me so grateful that I'm finished with school. I'm so glad that I no longer have to write themes, give speeches, and answer history questions. I like reading the questions on here and answering only the ones I *want* to answer. When I was in school, I had to answer every question asked, whether I wanted to or not.


Lol all the time - but Im more thinking like grade 3 or 4 where it was even easier.