Ex Wives....How do you feel when your ex husband/father of children has children with someone else?

Ex wives/ex girlfriends who have children with your ex, how do you feel when he remarries and/or has kids with someone new? I am asking this because I am the new wife and hate my husbands ex, and I am trying to get the other side so I wont hate her so much.


i hate her because when I got pregnant she started trying to steal my husband back through his family who absolutely adores her.


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Ex wives, ex lives....just gotta get over it


As far as my own ex's, I could not care less. My husband's ex is a whole other story. She cannot even hide how it eats her up. She had their child out of revenge. Yes, revenge. Because her former husband took her 2 children away. At the time, he and his new wife did not think they could have one. So, to spite them both, she stopped taking her pills and got pregnant.
So, 12 years later, we have a child. And it bothers her how much our was wanted by him. How much she has. How beautiful she is, and yes, we have the crowns to prove it. To the point she tells people I am living HER life. Everything I have should be HERS.
Had she not been so hung up on her first ex, she may have had all this. Now it's my husband who got away. I don't hate the lady. I just think it is flattering.


Well, although we weren't married I have a daughter from a previous relationship (I am married now). My daughter's father is now married. He and his wife have been together for 15 years. They have 2 children together and it doesn't bother me at all. He takes care of our daughter and she has her own room and a key to his house. His wife has always treated my daughter well and there is no reason for animosity between us. Tell me something why is it that you hate his ex?

Now that you say this I understand why you may have ill feelings towards her but she can't take him if he doesn't want to be taken. My suggestion to you would be to not fall into her trap,kill her with kindness.Believe me as long as you let her see that what she is doing is bothering you, she will continue to do it but if you don't let it bother you she will get tired of making herself look stupid. Women like her are miserable and misery loves company. I am not sure whether or not you have had the baby yet, but if you have congratulations and if not you don't want the stress that she brings to have an effect on your baby. So let the B*tch be miserable by herself and remember what I said and that is that she cannot take him unless he wants to be taken. To h*ll with her.


You hate her because she shared her life with him before you and they had hopes dreams and goals together and loved each other.....other wise they would have never married in the first place, You also have only one side of the story as far as their relationship goes and I hate to tell you this but there are two sides to every story and somewhere in between lies the truth.
When my ex and his new wife had children it was a blessing because I knew he would not be involved with my son anymore...she hated me but never really knew me or even met me. I no longer see my ex and he just up and stopped seeing my son....I'm sure she is behind this but I really don't care, i am happy they are out of my life, I stiull get child support but that is because the army makes him pay it.

Mary O2007-05-16T04:26:39Z

Well i have an ex, and he just recently remarried, i hardly talked to him, if something came up with our kids and it was extremly urgent i would talk to him but it was only about the problem with kids and nothing else. I remarried and choose to live my life happy and i don't live in the past, my daughter doesn't like my ex's wife and neither does my son but they are of age and living on their own and they will just have to adapt because their dad has to live his life and be happy and neither one lives at home anymore.

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