Large lump in 19 yr. old girls this common? I am scared....?

My 19 year old neice went for a check-up and they found a large (not quite as big as a golf ball, but close) sized lump in her breast. She never did the exams and never noticed. No history of cancer in her family but she is a smoker and has been on birth control for a couple of years.

Is this common in such a young woman? Does this happen where is is non-malignant? They are taking her for an ultra-sound today but I am freaking and wondering how often this happens and if that size indicated malignancy or not. Anyone know about this or experience anything like it? thanks


Favorite Answer

It is uncommon in younger woman to have breast cancer but it does not mean that they can not get breast cancer. 90-95% of lumbs are benign (not cancerous). She may most likely have a fibroadenoma. Which is a benign condition. If she had multiple lumps, than she may have fibrocystic disease.

Young women need to have ultrasounds rather than mammograms Due to an increase in fatty tissue, a mammogram is not as sensitive in detecting masses as an ultrasound. The usual approach is once a lump is detected, the female undergoes one menstrual cycle and then has the lump reevaluated. If the lump is still there, then they undergo imaging. I think the fact that her physician has gone foward with imaging he/she most likely will pursue a biopsy. The ultrasound will likely guide her physician in which path will be chosen in obtaining a sample of the mass. With a biopsy this will be able to give an answer to both you, your neice, and the rest of the family.

I also recommend you use this tool for you to be able to quantify her risk. This is known as the Gail model. This is well accepted by breast surgeons, primary physicians, and onocologists.


Actually, don't go off the deep end just yet. It will only make things worse and even if it is cancer, she is young enough to have a good chance of recovery. Either way, she will need you to be controlled and calm and help her to feel better. You will know more after the ultrasound.
I had my first mammogram when I was 13 and have had several since as well as many breast ultrasounds. I have lumps in both my breasts, one that same size and several smaller, and they are cysts, (supposedly from caffiene). They don't give me any real problems except that I seem to be more prone to getting infections in my breasts. My mammary glands have been "occluded" I think the word was, basically crowded in the breast, so that when they fill up with milk they're squashed and blood flow can be lessened. Or something like that.
Now if the ultrasound shows something that the doctor thinks needs to be taken further, then they will talk to her about it and most hospitals offer couselors that are willing to help in such matters. Watch your niece and take your cues from her actions.
If she is mature and intelligent then talking over the different alternatives and possible outcomes can be helpful.
If she's very immature or not very bright, then it will only confuse her and make her feel worse to pour too much information down her throat.
Either way, reassure her of your love and support and I wish you good news.


I have two of those. I have had them since I was 17. They are harmless. basically they are tissue lumps called Fibroadenomas.
they vary in size throughout the month. they get bigger as it gets close to my period. my doctor told me to stay away from Cafeinated drinks as it makes the lumps absorb and retain water and increase their size. I got an ultra sound instead of mamogram. She should ask her doctor for a mamogram or if she can't handle mamograms they will send her to have an ultra sound.
So, basically, it could be nothing. or it could be something bad. she should ask her doctor for a test.
For more information on breast lumps read this article on webmd


Keep in mind that most of the lumps are benign. This may be a good time for her to reconsider smoking, and get smoke free. Get in touch with the Doctor about the Birth control pills, and see if they could be the cause or side effect of this lump. Then pray for her, she will likely be scheduled for a lumpectomy, and be biopsied, and you will be informed if it is cancerous or benign. God bless you, and keep you well. .


you know, there was an 18 year old girl who got breast cancer. no, that is not normal to have a lump like that. there is a reason to be worried, but the best thing to do is see if she really needs medical help. (which i think she does). i don't know if smoking increases the chances of breat cancer, but maybe. I'm scared that i would have breast cancer, my mom has it. good luck to your niece.

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