The holes that held the screws on my door to the hinges became loose. Is there a way to fix the holes?

How much would it cost to and what materials would I need to buy? Thanks!

william v2007-05-19T03:15:04Z

Favorite Answer

Or you can remove the old hinge, take it to the hardware and search for the proper sized hinge with different hole configurations.
You may still have to fill some of the holes, but at least half of them will have fresh wood to install screws
Or if the door is wood, just install longer screws.

William C2007-05-18T22:08:58Z

Remove the hinges to expose the holes. Using any wood you have laying around cut strips about 1/8" diameter and as long as necesarry to reach bottom of your holes. (use a nail to determine) Shoot some Elmers glue or elmers wood glue into the holes and use a hammer to tap the wood slivers into the holes and fill the hole as much as you can. Once this is done you can then reinstall the hinges using the same screws you had used originally.
The new wood and glue will give you as strong a hinge as the original wood jamb gave you. This is a really easy thing to do and will surely fix your problem Good luck
By the way. If you don't have wood you can by a small peice of wood dowel at any lumber yard or home depot type store. You will also need a some glue or wood glue. If yu need to buy glue I would recommend wood glue for the quicker cure but it doesn't make a big difference. Finally you will need a hammer and if you have drill and bit you should predrill the new wood to help simpify placing the new screws.


Hi ,you need a small dowel,and some Elmer's wood glue. Cost is under $5 I'd guess. Cut the dowel into pieces the length of the screw, squeeze some wood glue in the holes and insert the dowel pieces. Let dry. There are other ways too. You could insert anchors(plastic plug type) into the holes,than insert the screws into the anchors, or get some,"Hard as Rocks" putty, mix that up and putty up the holes,when dried,that becomes part of the wood,and can be drilled, screwed ,or nailed.The choice is yours,and don't forget to pre-drill if you go with the first and third suggestions. Bye


Tooth picks and Gorilla or Elmer's Glue in the hole works great.
Put a little glue in the hole and push in a few toothpicks (they work better than matches as they will not offset the screw because they are smaller and will move to distribute themselves evenly around the hole). Snap off the toothpicks at the top of the hole and reinstall the hinges and screws.


Apply some glue to a golf tee, insert in screw hole, tap to seat, break off. Use a vics bit to drill a new pilot hole through the screw hole in the hinge and reinsert the hinge screw.

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