Finally told him I was falling for him in a letter....doesn't comment but continues to txt each day???/?

I finally told this man I had been seeing that I was starting to fall for him - we have been seeing each other for about 5 months and there was some bs (my fault) where I acted like it was just a friend thing so I cleared the air and told him how I felt. I wrote a letter - he lives sort of far away and doesn't do phones very well and when I saw him in person, there were too many people around.

So after he got it, he went 24 hours with no contact and then txts each day to b.s. Never mentioned the letter. I know he got it and I told him I didn't expect anything from him which is why I haven't brought it up.....

I am confused. If he isn't interested knowing that I feel pretty strongly for him, why does he keep contacting me? Or why does he not mention it? I actually expected him to stop contacting me all together since I have 4 kids and figured the whole thing was too much.

Could use some guy input - is he just being nice?


Favorite Answer

Clarissa, I know you've invested alot of time into this guy. He just doesn't get it.

He got the letter. He knows you are into him. He should know how much you care about him by now. Yes he lives 90 minutes away, but that is not an excuse for him to not communicate. No relationship is perfect - never will be. But I feel bad right now. You need some closure, or you two need to agree that you both want a relationship.

You need some input from a guy -- him. But that guy isn't communicating with you.


I think that the fact he is still contacting you says something. Maybe he's just giving it some time before he makes any real choices. Thinking things through cause he doesn't want to go for it and then change his mind and hurt you. If you said you weren't expecting anything, he most likely took it as he didn't need to mention it at all. So be patient a little longer and in a week or so, aproach him and ask "Did you get my letter?" even though you know he did, that way it opens the door for him to start talking about it without any preasure. GOOD LUCK SWEETIE!


Lucky we don't have to wait till we are dying to do this. A long time ago I thought that love was something that you reserved for some special set of people that you had judged worthy of it. After a while I got to thinking about what Jesus had said about turning the other cheek and loving our neighbor I put the two together and realized that he had made no exceptions in these statements. It became obvious to me that he intended that we exclude no one from the love that we are supposed to be giving. I started thinking about my idea of love and suddenly realized that I had not been loving anyone at all. I had simply been judging everyone and every thing. Judging someone worthy of love is not love, it is only judgment. I actually started to cry when I realized this. I saw just how much of my life I had wasted being judgmental, thinking of myself as a Christian, when I was actually doing just the opposite of what Jesus had asked us to do. I thought about the verse judge not lest ye be judged, and I understood it for the first time. I realized that I have a lot of catching up to do. So many opportunities were wasted. I now try to apply the love that I have for the world in a universal way like Jesus asks us to do. If I start to feel afraid and think that I see someone that I should not love because of something I have thought or heard I try to catch my mistake as soon as possible. I tell myself that I have forgot the truth and have fallen for the same old trick that had cost me so many opportunities to be loving in the past. The horror of this realization is often all that is necessary to bring me back to my senses and make me drop the judgmental nonsense I was thinking. I still have a lot to learn about love, but at least I’m making progress. Love and blessings Your brother Don


Wow, it seems like he's interested.He also seems shy and not sure of himself. Does he not answer his phone?
well the, write him again. Tell him txts are expensive for you. Tell him to email you.Some guys find it easier to email their feelings because they aren't actually confronting the person.
You have to be the aggressor in this thing. The kids are a factor in his decision to pursue you. Be patient


He likes you as a friend...if he liked you in a romantic way, he would have jumped on the "yes I will" txt. Lay it down and move on. This one is not going to go anywhere. Do not bring it up again. Once is enough. Good luck

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