How do you see the latest answers to a question?

Example: The Pelosi "Global Warming" question has 27,000 plus answers, I noticed that after a few pages there are zero votes up or down for peoples answers. Then I wish to see the latest answers. The navigation tool seems to create a huge bias toward the early answers as it appears difficult to see later answers especially where there are many answers.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-05-22T12:25:36Z

Favorite Answer

You just have to scroll to the bottom and keep clicking for pages further on -- and on -- and on.

Or, you can try it the easy way -- at the top of the column of answers on the right is a drop down menu that allows you to change how the answers are displayed. Just change it to: Newest to Oldest.


On the right, above the answers, it says Show: and there's a drop-down menu.

You can choose to view answers newest to oldest.