Gas Prices?
Its $3.49 in Columbus,OH, $3.79 in Chicago how about where you live - Location/ Price?
Its $3.49 in Columbus,OH, $3.79 in Chicago how about where you live - Location/ Price?
The Y!ABut
Favorite Answer
More than $5.00 a gallon. It is now 1.39 per litre here in Canada. So that brings it up to over $5.00 a gallon. There are 4.54609 litres to a gallon, so 4.55 x 1.39 = 5.3245
Think I will be walking for a while. Any long distance will definitely be a carpool.
$3.09 Regular
$3.21 Mid Grade
$3.31/g Premium
In Washington DC
chiefof nothing
Filled my tank yesterday...Las Vegas Nv. at $ 3.17 9/10 Gallon
Depends on the brand. BP $3.04, Chevron $3.19.
Gulf Coast MS
Paid 2.96 yesterday in Tucson AZ