What are the effects of second hand marijuana to infants?

I just found out that someone smokes around their baby. I want information to take to them so they pull their head out of their butt. Please no smart *** remarks. This is serious.


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Id talk seriously about your worries, but dont jump and call social services just yet. You have to give them time to change if thats what they want to do, talk to a doctor about it in confidence and get info that way. I suppose you only have to look at what it does to adults to guess the effects on kids. Its a hard one this as its a friend but they will see in the end its for their own good. You seem like a good mate, they're few and far between these days.


Institutes of Health define SIDS as the sudden death of an infant under 1 year old that cannot be explained even after an autopsy and a close investigation of the scene and the infant's history. Although the exact cause of SIDS is unknown, research has helped doctors to understand what happens when a baby dies from SIDS. We know that SIDS is different from suffocation and accidental death. A baby who suffocated on a pillow during sleep or whose parent accidentally rolled onto him did not die from SIDS. When a baby dies of SIDS, low oxygen saturation and high carbon dioxide levels, acid build up in the blood, and heart dysfunction seem to be what causes the baby to die. The big question in SIDS research is exactly why and how these issues occur and conspire in some babies to cause SIDS. Sleeping on fluffy bedding, belly sleeping, or exposure to tobacco smoke are all risk factors, but doctors aren't sure exactly what makes these risk factors cause SIDS. ^^this is my research from an online health site @~Lace~ and i can read pretty well, (yes i, a pregnant weed smoker for the 2nd time around (with a perfectly healthy soon-to-be 2 year old boy)), let me know where you see this passage mentioning "marijuana" exposure. I think that people fail to realize that marijuana and tobacco are NOT the same. One (tobacco) is deadly, while the other (marijuana) is not. Plain and simple. It doesn't hurt the mother or the baby. Don't you think with the many tests the doctors run, they would see traces of "chemicals" in marijuana in your urine and immediately say something and begin legal actions??? i've peed in a cup at almost every appointment and smoked all pregnancy long and no one has said a word. hmmm... must not be too harmful. Oh and im currently 17 weeks 4 days with another healthy baby. Please do YOUR research or at least take advice from the MANY mothers who smoke marijuana during pregnancy with PERFECTLY HEALTHY BABIES. smh what more proof do you need?


Turn the parents in to the police and get the baby out of harms way. What is amazing to me is that you are worried about second hand smoke and not other things. Examples: Driving with the child when they are under the influence and taking care of a child while they are stoned.


Nothing! THC does not effect those unless of course it is breathed into the babies face.
Is the baby legal? It is obvious you know these people real well. Is the baby legal? Our the parents legal?
In your opinion is it ok to give a baby speed? This happens on a daily bases! Is speed wrong? In your opinion? Do you no little babies or children on ritilin? This is speed.

So if you are willing to go to the extent of knowing these peoples intimate life's then check this out before calling the law on these people.
Yes I as a medical marijuana patient would call the law on people who are doing this to a baby who is not legal. Children are children and do not need to be subjected to this or any other kinds of drugs!

Sexy Mama2007-05-28T12:42:28Z

You can tell those people that it is definately not okay. It is not only bad for the baby, but it is also illegal. Not just smoking pot but having it around the baby. It's child abuse. If these people don't stop this and you are truly concerned about this baby maybe you should contact social services to handle this matter.

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