Can you paint a magnet?


Favorite Answer

Yes you can paint a magnet, but you will need to prime it or it may flake off, also it may reduce the effectiveness of the magnet slightly as it now has to go through a layer. Providing the coat isnt too thick it should be fine.


Magnet is just metal that has been magnetized. Prime & paint a you would any metal. On a side note, not knowing your purpose or project. There is a company called Consolodated Coatings that makes a magnetic paint. Great for kids rooms, laundry room, garage etc. Pretty cool stuff.


Sure you can. Use a good primer and paint like you would for any metal.

buff j2007-05-26T01:00:20Z

yes, but it will open the gates to an alternate universe, one in which I am made king and i have the power to fly.

