Bend your brain: What if dogs were reincarnated "bad people" from their last life?

What if a Bad dog is just a person who couldn't be rehabilitated? What if that bad dog, once it is put down, comes back as the smallest of animals?

Do you think it would learn it's lesson> Or would it be eaten by the higher ip of the chain?

Weird Mood this evening.. and spending points on questions means nothing to me... Cheers to all yahoo answerers... :)


Favorite Answer

If that were the case, it would have been only one form of justice. Regardless reincarneting in the lower forms of the food chain could be possible or not, the concept of reincarnation in general is not that unrealistic. Bend your brain further and realize that it could be worse in human form; For example, someone like Hitler could have been reincarnated as a poor woman in darfur that got raped, beaten and abused to death. However if we start thinking like that we would become too jaded to extend a helping hand to all those people who - as far as we know- are just innocent victims in their one life time.

No matter what the truth to the concept of reincarnation might be , I do believe in divinal justice, in karma, and in the fact that what goes around comes around.

Hope this answers your question.

[ΦΘΚ] ﮎl4CK3R2007-05-27T17:32:13Z

So what if I was a "good" person? Will that mean I will get reincarnated into a family that has a higher social/wealth status?


And I thought that the suicides were dogs or pets. Thanks for straightening that out for me. Look into familiars. I think anything alive seems to have some type of soulful character.


if dogs are reincarnated souls, then they must be bad guys in the past
thats the basic principle of reincarnation


If dogs were at one time "bad people" I think they came back as pit bulls.

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