How often are you impacted by wildlife? Are the squirrels making themselves at home?

Or are the rabbits eating your garden?

Are the raccoons getting into your trash bins?
Maybe skunks or Opossums eating from your bird feeders?
Do you welcome them or try harder to keep their presense unknown?

Ret. Sgt.2007-05-27T19:13:40Z

Favorite Answer

My wife dearly loves all stray animals. So,she puts cat food out and then is surprised when possums and raccoons show up. She got kinda broke of this habit when the neighbor scared a coon under his deck and it ran right at my wife. She almost cleared the 6 ft fence and got into the swimming pool but not quite.

She also complained of seeing a very large smiling rat on the deck eating the cat food. ( this would be the possum). She expressed surprise at having a downspout loosened from the house and my finding coon crap on our roof ( conveniently close to the cat food)

If you dont feed them, they will not come. I have bird feeders and a corn squirrel feeder but tend to remember that it is only for bad weather and winter. You feed them year around and you might as well claim them as dependents because they will be.

I use chicken wire around my garden but some items rabbits wont eat. Hot peppers, tomatoes and some herbs. Keeping deer out of the garden may be harder.

Have all these problems where I live and we are not out in the country. We are far southwest Chicago suburbs.


I dont mind wild animals being around but I dont intentionally feed them to keep them around since the back of our house faces the woods. However our neighbors are constantly feeding animals. Which sort of pisses us off because we get racoons and skunks hanging out around our house when I am trying to come home from class at night. Plus the birds crap all over our back patio because they come be the dozens to eat all the crap all over their yard. They also bring about squirrels which drive our dogs nuts and we have found a dead squirrel on more then one occasion because of stupid neighbors luring them into our backyards.


We live in southwest Missouri in a small town. My wife feeds the birds and squirrells. We have rabbits, fox, racoons, opossums, skunks, moles, field mice, stray cats and an occasional bob cat.

We just live with them. Good thing we live in a town


i like all critters but the squirrels are destructive . i shoot them with the garden hose