Did God intend for for Satan to become the Devil and take a third of the other angels when He created him?

Do you think God was suprised? Disappointed? Didn't he know it was going to happen? Do you think he wanted it to happen so he could have a place to send bad people after they died? Or to scare people into behaving properly?


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God's desire and Will for us was to "behave properly" and to love Him on our own. He already created us good and Adam & Eve didn't even know what evil and wrong was until they doubted God, listened to the devil and obeyed their own desire for more knowledge. When they were first created,they knew only what was good.

It wasn't until they ate of the tree of knowledge of good AND evil. Infact, Adam didn't even know he was naked until then. After he'd eaten from the tree he hid himself when heard God in the Garden. When God asked him why he hid himself, he said he was naked and afraid so he hid himself, then God asked an interesting question, He said, "Who 'told you' you were 'naked'? Have you eaten from the tree I commanded you not to?"

Every thing God created from the beginning was good, including Lucifer. The site below explains what you're asking better than I can.


Starjumper the R&S Cow2007-05-28T22:30:14Z

He was certainly disappointed. There is a point in the bible where God is shown to have 'regretted' creating the world. This is before the flood. Due to the badness that was everywhere. However, since he had uttered the prophesy in the Garden, about the Seed, the Devil had to live in order for these things to come true and not to let one single angel or human being doubt that Satan was in fact Wrong.


God created all the angels before humans, and when mankind start living in the garden of Eden some of Gods angel become rebellious and make thier selves as Gods enemy(Satan the Devil and demons).
its not Gods purpose but because angels too, had free will and those Angels who become demons choose to dis obeyed God and become rebel.

de bossy one2007-05-28T22:50:24Z

satan is not a real being, just a figment of some medieval fools nightmarish idealism.
lucifer, the angel of light, was given free will, just as all others were given free will. he chose to exercise it. whether he has recognized his action as what it was is irrelevant.
if god forgives anyone of their sins, will he not also forgive lucifer his?
none is rejected of the kingdom, but many are not yet able to understand what it is, or where it is. they are not rejected, but are ignorant. only through knowledge will they begin to understand, and thus, enter the kingdom.
jesus was the guide, and not the only one. many were appointed to guide, few have been truly followed. jesus has not been followed, though he was one of the greatest of the guides.
religion is good at controlling, but lacks any ability to guide, preferring instead to punish those who will not follow. if they refused, they were slaughtered by the millions. if you doubt this, read any world history book.
religion was the basis for more death and destruction than ALL the natural destructive forces combined. and of course, it continues to do as it always has done- destroy in the name of god, or jesus, or allah, or the elephant man!


God is never surprised ! I do believe that He was hurt and disappointed about what had happened.
God doesn't scare anyone into behaving a certain way. He lures us with love, we are the bad guys ,not Him !!!

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