Favorite Answer
I'm an atheist but lately I've been reading the Bible since it is an important part of the culture in which I live, and it helps me to better understand the beliefs of people who I currently disagree with. I have a parallel Bible that I got from a used book sale, it has the KJV, RSV, Modern Language Bible, and Living Bible. I mainly read the RSV but sometimes look at the other texts if I need something clarified.
I'm a Baptist. When reading the Bible in English translation I tend to use the Access Bible, published by Oxford University Press. It has the New Revised Standard Version translation, and excellent notes by top notch Biblical scholars.
As an eclectic believer, I can use ANY translation. I have an old saying, "Folklore gives a hint." That means I look for common threads in religions.
Keep in mind, the Bible is a cannon. That means it was decided by human vote which parts would be accepted or rejected as part of the cannon. Even more suspicious, these votes generally came out UNANIMOUS. Does that usually happen in real life? Sound like someone was under pressure. Or their life was under threat.
My overall conclusion is that God gave the power of choice along with the ability to figure out stuff by our self. "God says" is an excuse to make it about ego and opinion.
I'm a Jew and use
1. The JPS Jewish Study Bible
2. The URJ Revised Edition by Plaut
3. The Stone Edition
4. The Five Books of Moses, Everett Fox
5. Commentary on the Torah, Richard Elliott Friedman
6. The Soncino Press Pentateuch & Haftorahs edited by Dr. J.H. Hertz