What is a good paying Blog site?

People often blog for pay and I'd like to learn what sites are worth pursuiing.


Favorite Answer

Some examples where you can get paid to blog

Blogit.com http://www.blogit.com = readers pay a subscription fee to read blogs, and this fee is divided among the writers the subscriber reads. The more readers the blog writer attracts, the greater the income for the writer.

Pay per Post http://payperpost.com/page/blogger = this works more as paid advertising copy.

Weblogs Inc http://www.weblogsinc.com/ = this works more like a paid position, where you apply to blog for one of the company's blogs (mostly tech and Internet focused)

Marqui's Pay Bloggers Programhttp://www.marqui.com/Paybloggers/Paybloggers_Program.aspx = again, this acts like paid endorsement


This guy created a blog labeled how to make money on the web as a test...he sold advertising on his blog to test how much money he could make selling advertising on a good blog a basically told everybody how much he was making...from a couple hundred dollars a month.....to $11,000 a month income on this blog from advertising alone now.

His blog is a good read and a testament to being creative.


Ye I also advise Adsense. this is the way in which to commence creating wealth out of your weblog. yet there are a kind of different sturdy or maybe more beneficial ideal procedures to make funds out of your weblog. below I positioned a link to a piece of writing about that.