How can I get a copy of my High School Yearbook?

I went to Roosevelt High School in Los Angeles, CA form 1993-1996.


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call the schools main office and see if they have duplicates u can purchase


Armstromg High School, Richmond, Va


Call your school and see if they have extra copies available, most schools order several more then they need just for cases like this. If they don't have one to sell you ask for the company name and contact info of the book maker and see if they can make one for you. If it is from any time in the last 10 years they should have the year book digitally saved. You might have to pay more then the orginal cost if they have to make one.

Good Luck!


Go talk with your high school. They usually will either give you a copy, or help you get a copy.


Try calling the highschool and they may be able to give you a copy if they have extras in their archives. I did that for my boyfriend who went to highschool starting 1990 and luckily they had extras to give me and they didn't charge me anything.

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