how do I get smaller breast?
I want smaller brest how can I do that
I have B34 and Im 14
I want smaller brest how can I do that
I have B34 and Im 14
Favorite Answer
Lose weight (breasts are mostly fat), or get breast reduction surgery.
There are breast reduction options. It will always be best to talk over with your dr before schedualing any type of major events. Talk it over with him or her and also talk it over with your family. Learn all the possable complications that could happen. Then outweigh the pro's for no surgery and then the con's. One big con on not doing anything is that if they are really a decient size they can cause back problems. I know a girl by the age of 14 who already was having back problems and had to have this done by the time she hit 18. Good luck with everything and I hope you end up happy with your end results what ever they may be.
Thats what I want to know! It's not fair! I'm 13 and am a C cup. I hate it I have really big boobs, then you can see my ribs, then my natrual waist line is 25 inches around! I enjoy having curves sometimes, but at my age boobs get in the way of a lot of things!
The only way is breast reduction surgery. Weight loss only will help if your are overweight.
I would suggest if you cant afford a reduction the you can try trying them down with an ace bandage