GRRRR!! My Eng. teacher...?

Okay, my english teacher has been hitting on me for the past four months. I've politely and meanly told him I'm not interested. The last time I told him he is to old for me (he's in his 50's and I'm 21 and I'm not a arm candy). I've gone to the police three times, and to the headmaster of the collage I attend to four times and he still didn't do anything. I'm sick of this!!! I'm 'bout to tell some of my male friends (all of them veeeery protective, their like big brothers, they don't know) to woop his butt, and see if that does it, but I don't want them to get into trouble and go to jail just because of me... I would feel real guilty. Help please? Has anyone got any suggestions? All the headmaster said was he would look into it, and so did the police. I'm desprite!!!!!


sorry my e got stuck..

Valerie T2007-06-02T20:30:05Z

Favorite Answer

try to catch him on video doing it, then you will have proof and the head master/ police will have to do something. Get a friend to record it on a cell phone or something


Since you've already talked to the headmaster and the police, I would recommend next going to a higher level in the school administration and filing a formal complaint. Failing that, you can talk to a women's group, and they will lobby for your rights in this matter. They will even back you up and possibly help with legal matters if you decide to press the issue and sue the pervert for sexual harassment. Best of luck.


Go to your academic counselor and see if there is a way to switch your English class and explain why. That is wrong what is doing and the headmaster of the college should of taken this more serious, but see about switching to another class.


Do you have a student council who you can go to?

If your college or school has a student council, chances are they know how to deal with such situations, and will be able to give you some support.

Student councils are generally made up of students themselves, so they may understand your situation a bit more. Bring a friend along if you are a little uncomfortable about talking to someone about it alone.