Does anyone else think that Yahoo needs to read violation reports before deleting answers?

Because they delete answers without reading them, a lot of people report abuse that isn't there. Then you go through customer service to contest it.

If they just read it in the first place and did not remove the answer every time then people would not be encouraged to report abuse just to silence others.


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There seems to be several methods in use for combating abuse. Check out the highlighted links to the right of Y/A blog at .

See "... we do investigate individual reports before removing any content, and the full account is reviewed against the Community Guidelines and Yahoo! Terms of Service before any account is suspended..." an answer from a Y/A staffer at

See for their official answer to this.

Also, they've asked for community feedback on their methods, see

UPDATE: So, they say they already do and that it's combined with other methods. Maybe it's the "other methods" that cause some of the erroneous violations. They are pushing that this is an user-monitored site.


I have received violation emails for things that weren't in the slightest "abusive". Someone I know has actually had, I believe it was a total of three of his accounts deleted. Not just questions/answers, his whole Yahoo Account. People need to grow up on here, and also not take things so seriously.

There is honestly no point in contacting customer service. They won't do a damn thing for you. All they do is send you back the same automatic response saying "they'll look into". And that is the end of it.

Of course they need to start actually reading the abuse reports that are sent in. But so many people on here are whiners, and just flat out idiots that I wouldn't be surprised if they get millions of abuse reports a day. I've had violation emails sent simply because of someone not agreeing with my answer. A few times I have had people send me an email, insulting me because of my answer and then threatening to report me, lmao. Ten minutes later..I have a violation email. I thought that was kind of the point to Yahoo Answers...ask a question..see what others have to say...


Double D's


i agree. people just report abuse to report it even if nothin is there and it could be a really good answer. or they just wanna screw over someone and just want to be rude. i think they need to read the answers and then deteremine if there was actually abuse


EXACTLY!! I answered something silly once, something about memory and I said something like "where did I put my keys" like I had a bad memory. I was reported and my answer deleted, points deducted. What violation was that?
You are so dead on with this point.... any moderators out there moderating?????

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