Are GOOD tattoos like Lays Potato Chips?

Nobody can get just one! Are GOOD tattoos as addictive as they seem? Am I the only person who just wanted one.....but can't stop? There are several tattoo conventions coming up in the next few months......can I go to one without getting ink? Should I be put in a straitjacket and locked up? HELP ME !!!!!!!


Now you tell me Deacon....after I've already rounded the corners of my head and marred the corners of my beard. And we were going out seeking after wizards tonight..... What a dope you are....
But you have those cut and paste skills working for ya.


Thanks for the info on the tattoo convention. I'll be watching for your email and call your sister sometime tonight......she is really stressing out over Micro-Biology

somebody's a mom!!2007-06-06T14:16:00Z

Favorite Answer

yes! i think i'll walk in and say "i'll have a bag of tattoos please" ooh, maybe you should get a potato chip tattoo. oh so literal.
i guess ole deacon up there doesn't eat fruit from trees that are younger than 5 years? are fruits marked that way in the grocery store? i guess he only wears pure cotton and wool? i'm pretty sure polyester and rayon would be considered "mixed" since who even know what kind of stuff goes in that... blaaah blaaah blaaaah.

oh, and i asked james and bruce about the voodoo tattoo convention and they have a myspace page with the current tattoo artists that are involved and are adding them as they pay for registration so i will find that link and email it to you tonight (if i can remember)


I have a few tattoos on different areas of my body. I don't think anyone would say that a tatoo tickles that's for sure! The only way to explain what it feels like is being scratched over and over in the same place. It doesn't feel like a needle. The 'pain' is not unbearable... otherwise not so many people would have them. Some areas, such as the neck, wrists, ribs, ankles and stomach tend to be more uncomfortable than the upper arms or shoulder. I personally enjoy getting them done and do not find the feeling too bad at all. I have been in for one and somebody next to me has nearly been crying though! Suppose it depends on your pain threshold! Most people that I know said that their first tatto was not half as bad as what they assumed it would be.


Rider, even BAD tattoos are like Lays potato chips, come on now you have seen my tattoo and I am still fiending out for another. I hate that it's summer and I am a darn fish, I can't stay out of the water for 30 days, it's physically impossible. I don't have an ocean or anything but there's a pool in my neighborhood and the lakes are even calling for me. Oh well, it will give me time to make extra sure that I'm set on the ideas. SHHHHHHHHH don't remind me there's conventions cuz I can't get one till after summer : (


Yeah they addictive. I always knew I some day I would be covered with em, I'm still working on that. But I am sleeved on one arm and can't wait for the other one to be done.
This weekend I will be going to the Ink & Iron Festival at the queen mary, I can't wait, it's a great time !!!


I love my tattoos. My first mistake was getting my first one. I'm up to number 12 and planning on more. I understand about the convention thing too. I'm very loyal to my artist. However, everytime one comes by my way, I make sure I'm busy so I can't go.

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