Where was al?

Citizens groups gathered on street corners in several cities throughout Colorado, just to, again, be disappointed.
They were anticipating al gores arrival in a private jet, directing his sail powered bike, wearing his berkinstocks, bermuda shorts and wife beater,
thats a tanktop for you enviormentalists, to reassure them that the snow storm 2 days ago was not happening, but a figment of their imagination.


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Not to start any rumours,but somebody looking alot like Al was last seen in the Antarctica trying to threaten the penquins into unnatural sweating for the sequel of his movie.Reportedly the birds held their ground however and the frustrated V.P. headed for a Bic lighter factory in China where he planned to hold talks with officials there trying to reduce the gas emissions from their product. The trip was cut short however when a delegate from the Flat Earth Society successfully warned Al the trip would be unsafe. Word has it he's now kayaking to Hudson Bay,Canada,where he will attempt to begin shaving the polar bears to protect them from the eminent heat wave.


I do not know where Al Gore was at the time you are referring to but we can dispense with him now because he has done the world an awesome favour of opening our eyes to what is happening to our Earth. As for his private jet, that's fine if it helps him to travel the world to get the message out that climatologists so desparately seek. After all, we do not read scientific journals. The people along the Colorada no doubt would love to hear good news on climate change from Al Gore if it means snow storms equals water.


Leave Al Gore alone. From all indications, Americans would have been much better off if the electoral verdict in Nov 2000 had not been "stolen" - at least thousands of American and Iraqis would not have been lost and trillions of dollars would not have gone down the drain. Redirect your venom to your real enemy: G.W. Bush.


Forget Al Gore. He has nothing to do with the solid data that proves global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.


seems like you have no clue what global warming means.