Would you buy a book that teaches how to make a living as an animal trainer or animal behavior consultant?


Let me clarify the question a bit. I'm not talking about a class on how to learn the stuff to train the dog... I agree that a combo of hands-on and other methods is needed for that.

I'm talking about a book that would teach you how to build your business if you were or wanted to become a dog trainer.


Favorite Answer

ya I would love to buy a book like that....are there any books out there like that? it would be interestig to read. i always thought that being a dog trainer would be a great job. I love dogs and I think that would be one of my top jobs that I would choose it I could.

Yomi Minamino2007-06-08T23:36:12Z

No, it's much easier and far better for learning if you go and find a trainer that will let you come to class with them. Also most trainers are trainers after they have trained their own dogs for many years. People normally wont let you teach them unless you've won some kind of awards with your dogs or whatever pet you plan on training with.

It isn't that hard however, just not something you can learn from a book. Everyone has their own style and way of doing things. There's all sorts of equipment and new stuff and ideas coming out every day. It's good to read up on new ideas but they're just ideas and aren't always the right way.

The best thing for someone who wants to get into training can do is go take some classes with their own dog and take classes at different places. That or just ask to sit in on classes to see how it is. It's not as fancy and wonderful and no where near as easy as they show on the TV. Once you understand what you're doing it is, but until you do there's alot to understand as to why someone does something to a particular dog acting in one way.

Try looking up where your local AKC kennel club is, they are always looking for people to come in and just help the trainers as well, and you can get a lot of good advice from those trainers.


Animal trainer easy!!!