How big to RES grow?
How big can my red eared sliders grow to be? I have five. I currently have a pond that holds about 120 gallons. Is that enough to last their lifetime? e
How big can my red eared sliders grow to be? I have five. I currently have a pond that holds about 120 gallons. Is that enough to last their lifetime? e
Favorite Answer
Male RES will grow to 7-8" and female RES will grow to 10-11" SCL (straight carapace length). It will take over 7 years depending on living conditions, temperatures and amount of food given.
Your pond would be fine for one full grown RES. The thing is if they are hatchlings right now, at least one or maybe two will die before they reach 4". At that point you can keep them outside. Keeping hatchlings outdoors is asking for trouble since the temps fluctuate and there are many predators, birds and mammals.
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Females get larger, reaching 8 to 10 inches measured in a straight line from the front of the shell to the back. Males are around 7 inches as adults.
karen k
for every 2 or 3 inches you need a 10 gallon tank
Sierra is incorrect. That is a myth.
Something to compare an RES to would be a dinner plate. That's how big they get!
i read somewhere that they can only grow as big as their environment will let them so it will probably grow to be a foot and a half long with a 120 gallon tank