What did you Guys think about the final epidsod?

What did you guys think about the ending of the final epidsod of the Sopranos?

Lil Miss Answershine2007-06-10T19:12:15Z

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I think they must be setting it up for a movie becasue that was a horrible finale...


I guess i'm the only one on the internet that actually enjoyed it. The ending is for the viewer to decide, we have been emotionally invested in this series for 8 years (i think) and some people would've hated the ending whether or not Tony was killed (thus getting away for all his crimes) or they would've hated the ending even if he had been killed (because all the fans were expecting it and would have said "i knew this was going to happen"). It is up to our imagination whether he gets killed by the 2 white guys (maybe sent from the Russian/N.Y/Patsy), or from the 2 black guys (friends of the african guy A.J and his friends beat up) or Tony gets convicted on the gun charge.


David Chase is a SELL-OUT! He doesn't have enough money yet, so we have to now pay to see the final episode.

I was expecting a high body count, not an episode focusing on AJ getting a job and layed, the shrinks or a stupid cat.

The only good 10 seconds was when Phil got wasted and his head squashed like a mellon.

WE GOT CHEATED AS VIEWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ambiguous. Very strange. I think it is implied Tony was about to get clipped. Remember, two black guys tried to whack him a few seasons ago in front of Dr. Melfi's office. The two guys coming in to the diner obviously weren't the same ones, but, its likely they had the same intention. The lone guy sitting at the counter, who went into the bathroom, I think he was either the lookout or was going to come out blasting.


Brilliant actually! I was anxious through the whole episode especially the final scene. It didn't go out with a bang but it goes out the way it was...Tony loses friends and goes on. Carmela panics and resumes her life. AJ is a stupid idiot and remains one. Meadow thinks her way to the future and goes on.

Not what I expected, that is why it is brilliant! Now I can still think of that family going on with their dysfunctional life, eating Sunday dinners and taking care of business!

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