Why is Christianity the only religion we should research before deciding?
I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of Christians on here saying "Because it's the only one that's correct" or "The only one that matters" or so on. Go ahead and waste your time, because that's not what I'm asking. Here's the question:
Many times, I have been asked by Christians whether or not I've actually read the Bible, tried to go to Church and so on. As someone asked here just recently, did I decide against Christianity after honest research, or because of things that had nothing to do with it? And yet, no one asks if they researched Paganism, Hinduism, Voudoun, Shinto, Atheism, Buddhism, Satanism or whatever else before deciding not to follow those beliefs. It's as if Christianity is assumed to be the default religious choice, and if you want to go outside that, you must constantly verify to everyone that yes, you studied it and decided it wasn't right for you. Meanwhile these same people rarely educate themselves on anything else. Why is that?
Wayne T - I didn't mean that people shouldn't research their religion before deciding. They absolutely should research a religion before they choose it. But people can't research every religion on the planet before *not* choosing it, so why must Christianity always have a place?
Rocky K - The only non-Christian religion you studied in your search was Judaism, which is still related to Christianity. Protestant, Catholic, etc are all forms of Christianity. Why nothing else?