Discrimination against women or not?

A couple walks into a restaurant & are seated. The male goes to restroom while female waits for waitress to offer coffee.
(Doesn't happen) Male returns & female goes. When female returns there is coffee waiting on the table. The female being troubled by this asks the waitress why coffee could not be delivered while she was waiting at the table alone? Waitress replied that it was policy to wait for both people to be present to take an order. Why then was the order taken when the female was gone?
Was this bias, prejudice, or what?
Please I need your opinion?


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In my opinion women are just waiting to pounce...I think she was being unprofessional and if it was the policy of the restaurant to wait then she should have. Of course the male you were with probably didn't see it that way or thought you were paranoid, as it was when something similar happened to me. the waitress kept bending over in front of my husband...coming by the table, she wasn't even our waitress!! I didn't say anything but when I got home and my husband wasn't around I called the restaurant and spoke with the manager telling him how outraged I was and how it was totally unacceptable. He agreed.


To be honest what probably happened was that normally the waitress will wait to take the order when both people are at the table, however she was not expecting the female to go to the restroom right after the male. Therefore in order not to waist more time the waitress came to get the order. She may have done the same exact thing if the male was waiting first.

rich e rich2007-06-12T06:50:22Z

this question is a riddle actually though I am sure it really did happen. You see, the waitress saw the couple come in together and saw the man leave momentarily. When he returned, she started to walk over to begin service and while moving over, the woman left to the restroom. The waitress merely asked the man if he would like coffee assuming he would order some for the woman. Waitresses are very busy and don't have time to discriminate usually anyway.


Probably the waitress was being thoughtless.

It could have been because your boyfriend/husband/colleague was cute, so she made it a point to serve him. That would be a form of prejudice, but not really against you. Just in favor of him.


her reply was an excuse. it may have been more than that but i cant say for sure. waitress are busy. go there again and do the same thing and see what happens. if the same result then you have the choice not to return.

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