Congressional malfeasance?

If a lawyer signed a contract on behalf of his client, and hadn't read that contract, wouldn't that lawyer be disbarred?

Even if that lawyer had "his staff" read the contract (but the lawyer signed it), wouldn't the lawyer still be on the hook, ethically and possibly criminally?

How, then, can Congress vote for bills that bind us by law, when they haven't read the bills?

Any lawyers out there want to try a class action? Any federal prosecutors want to do their jobs?

What would you propose, to urge our rulers to follow ANY rules?


Favorite Answer

I believe that your premise is not valid. The lawyer may have a malpractice case on his/her hands, but I doubt that any disbarment would occur.

Since each house of Congress sets its own rules, the only thing we can do is to vote them out of office.

Sorry, but that's the way it is.