Help with moving a tiger oscar?

i have a large tiger oscar ( about 10 inches long) in a 30 gallon tank, he needs to be moved to our new house about an hour drive away, anyone have any good tips on moving my monster fish?


Favorite Answer

I wouldn't put it in a bucket, only because a fish of 10" won't have enough space to swim around in for an hour. Instead, use a cooler and fill it up about 3/4 full of water so the fish will still have air to breathe. Also, the advantage of using a cooler is that once the lip is closed, it is pitch black, and that is a big issue for fish being transported so they don't get confused or scared of their surroundings. When it comes time to place the fish in its new home, bag it with the cooler water and let it sit in it's new tank for about 15-20 minutes so it gets used to the temperature change. Good luck.


Make sure you get a bigger tank when you move, an oscar can easily get hole in the head disease and die, not to mention be misterable, in that tiny tank of yours. To move him, get a cooler and put a battery operated airstone in there. good luck!


I would buy a bucket and put the fish in their (if it fits) keep as much water from the tank as possible, to put back in it once you get to your new place....once you get their I would set up the fish tank asap so the fish can get to oxygen once again.

cheri h2007-06-17T02:54:35Z

drain tank to just above him and move all intact. there are services to do this for you in most metropolitain local fish store and ask them about this