Why do YOU allow?

Does anyone realize how much permanent damage is being done to the Constitution, in exchange for the perception of some ethereal "safety?"

Politics, in other words, is usurping our rights. Of course, that's why the Constitution was written the way it was: the writers understood tyranny. Of course, that's why our rulers ignore it.

What I don't know is: why do we tolerate that? Stupid, lazy, ignorant, selfish, scared, powerless? You choose.

If this isn't you, tell me what you've actually done. (Remember, lynchings are illegal!)


The FBI, for instance, got caught (again) overstepping its so-called legal constraints. That's what triggered this question, but it goes back, way back. Read (actually read it!) the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty of Act of 1996, and read about the Star Chamber courts already in place. I am not making this up: even the defendant's lawyer is not allowed to see the evidence in the cases against him!
The last time people took up arms against a tyranny here, they were called patriots. What, pray tell, has changed so much?


Favorite Answer

I understand what you are talking. The Patriot Act is just a big ruse to take away our rights and freedom. I am very vocal about this but the general population is blind and says "well if you are not doing anything wrong, why worry?" and they also say "if it is for my own safety, then I am all for it". These people are lambs being led to the slaughter and cannot see it. The majority of Americans are all for this therefore it is hard for those of us who can see what is going on to do anything. I try to educate people.

Here are some rights we have already lost:

Some good sites are:


Why do you think Congress has such a low rating?
I voted, that's what I did, too many others didn't. Its not politics usurping our Constitution, its too many idiots who are frightened to death and are incapable of thinking past the next bumper sticker or catchphrase a neocon thinks up.
"We have to fight them there or we will have to fight them here"
What? Are they going to come marching down Broadway. Are they going to land at Kennedy? How far are they going to get in a country where we tend to shoot first and ask for green cards later. We cannot stop small groups of terrorists, except by sheer luck, even Tony Soprano knew not to talk on an unsecured line. So I think we can count on the occasional bombing, by homegrown or foreign cells, just as has happened across the globe. Maybe next election we can put in a Congress that is veto proof, maybe by next election even the Republicans will be running away from this administrations policies and it won't be necessary.


short of taking up arms against this tyrannical government, what would you suggest?...i have read numerous books dealing with the constitution and its usurpation including "men in black', by mark levin, and 'constitution in exile", by judge andrew napolitano. other than informing yourself, there is little one CAN do about this...even if you change the players, the game remains the same...i say it's time to clean out the house and start all over again.


Exactly how is the Constitution (and your Bill of Rights) being taken away? Could you please site sources and examples?

There have been small changes, but nothing taken away. Our founding fathers never imagined terrorists when writing. It is our government's duties to change the document where needed to ensure national security is maintained. It is a living document.

dave b2007-06-15T13:05:01Z

How about some specifics first?

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