How do I buy a phone on WITHOUT signing a two year contract? Or can I?

I washed my phone in the washer by accident and I need a new one. I am trying to find good deals on the internet...but all the good deals require me signing up for a two year contract! Is is possible for me to buy a regular itself, on HELP!!!!!!

Jake in Indiana2007-06-15T18:37:36Z

Favorite Answer

Call Cingular and ask if you are able to get a phone upgrade. Usually you can get a cheap phone. Worse comes to worse you can go to Wal-mart buy one of the $18 Cingular pay-as-you-go phones and just put in your old sim card.


It would be good if you had insurance on your phone. Cingular does offer it for 6 dollars a month and you would have to pay 50bucks. I would call Cingular and say I lost it. You can buy a phone by it self but you will have to pay the full price of the phone and thats with out service. No matter which way you have to sign a contract with the large companys. have good deals for people looking to start new service.

Native of Plainfield, NH2007-06-15T18:42:32Z

If you put your phone through the wash then you can stay with your current phone provider and get a new phone. The same thing happened to me and the next time i got a phone i made sure to gewt insurance. When you get the new phone you can just have it set up to your current plan with no extra charge or two year contract. So instead of getting a phone and a new deal, just go to your nearest phone provider sales place and buy a new phone and have it added to you contract.

-Matthew Constant


Your best best is to buy a prepaid phone Cingular Go Plan. There are no contracts and you can cancel anytime you want to on their plans. You can buy prepaid Cingular at Walmart, Best Buy or at Target Stores. Otherwise if you purchase any phone at the website then you will need to sign a 2 year contract.


you need to purchase a telephone with a one 3 hundred and sixty 5 days settlement, yet its extra exspensive. you additionally can merely purchase the telephone, yet however its way extra suitable than procuring it with the two settlement.