heart problems?

I am worring a little bit here. For the past 2 days or so i feel this fluttering in the middle of my chest and sometimes it makes me cough. Should I go to the doctor or what? I am getting over having brocitis (not spelled right). Pleaswe let me know what to do. Thanks so much!


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if you are not being treated for bronchitis you need to see the doctor, sounds as tho you have deep infection with congestion and irritated bronchi causing cough


It depends on how bad the fluttering is. Could just be a cold starting or allergies. If it gets worse and you have trouble breathing or a fever then go to the Dr. Don't think it is heart problems but if it feels like your heart and not bronchitis then yes go to Dr. and get checked.


My boyfriend gets fluttering like that, but he has a life long heart problem, an enlarged Aortic valve...
But it's probably not a heart issue, it might be best to check with a doctor, exspecially (sp??) if you've got Elders Danles (more sp??) a skin condition that contortionists have, it just increases the elastisicty of the skin.

Hope I could help. :]


It mite b a little congestion left over from your bronchidos(not spelled rite either!! lol).